SPIT ROAD LODGE One look at this beautiful & well-maintained white cedar log B&B operation and you will see the incredible income potential. Many amenities like hardwood floors, 3 fireplaces, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms, a hot tub, sauna & enclosed patioare just a few. Convenient Homer Spit location lots of parking for RV & boat. This one is truly “Turn-Key” and ready for you to take over.
Price: $489,000
203 W Pioneer Ave # 1
Mile 156.7 Sterling Hwy
Homer, AK 99603
Phone: 907-235-7700
Fax: 907-235-1216
Directions to Homer Office (Google)
Mile 156.7 Sterling Hwy
Anchor Point, AK 99556
Phone: 907-235-7141
Fax: 907-235-6876
Directions to Anchor Point Office(Google)
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